Our Classes

Tadpoles (2-3yo)
  • Tuesday 9am-12pm
  • Thursday 9am-12pm
Polliwogs (3-4yo)
  • Monday 9am-12pm
  • Wednesday 9am-1pm
  • Friday 9am-12pm
Frogs (4-5yo)
  • Tuesday 9am-12pm
  • Wednesday 9am-1pm
  • Friday 9am-12pm
  • *Optional*  Thursday 9am-12pm
Kindergarten (5-6yo)
  • Monday – Thursday 9am-2pm
  • Friday 9am-12pm


Ages 2 and 3

2 years old by September 1st

Tuesday & Thursday 9:00am - 12:00pm

2025-2026 Tuition: $114.40 per month

Class Objectives

NECOOP’s tadpole classes are for two/three-year-olds and offer a fun learning experience that captivates eager minds. This is the youngest group at NECOOP in which the children attend class without their parents. Children look forward to their day at preschool, however if separating is an issue, it is handled with a team approach. The teacher and parent/parents work together to make transitions as easy as possible.

Miss Marianne understands that children are in different stages of being potty trained (and that some have not started) and gracefully accommodates all children’s needs. The classrooms are stimulating and challenging to ensure each child a platform for growth, exploration and creativity. Sensory experiences abound, along with dramatic play areas to grow imaginations.

By the end of the year, children feel secure and confident in the classroom environment. They will have also gained self-confidence through their ability to easily separate from parents. They will move from independent play toward cooperative play while gaining friendships along the way. Progress occurs in fine-tuning small- and large-motor skills, following directions, listening to stories in a group, and participating in music and movement activities.

Marianne Stinson
Tadpoles & Polliwogs

Marianne Stinson teaches both our Tadpoles and Polliwogs classes. She has been teaching at Northeast Cooperative Preschool and Kindergarten since the fall of 2012. Miss Marianne is a graduate from Butler University with a BS in Middle/Secondary Social Studies Education. Miss Marianne discovered cooperative preschool when her first child was in the Polliwogs class, and early childhood education and teaching in a cooperative play based environment became her purpose. She thrives learning alongside educators, partnering with parents and families, and building the foundation for children’s education.

Children adore Miss Marianne and enjoy participating in the wide variety of creative play-based learning activities she designs for them. Her classes combine play-based learning with sensory based activities to give every child an enriching experience.


Ages 3 and 4

3 years old by September 1st

Monday 9:00am - 12:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 1:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm

2025-2026 Tuition: $177.32 per month

Class Objectives

Polliwogs class is for children 3 to 4 years old. The class is held on Mondays 9 to Noon, Wednesdays 9 to 1, and Fridays 9 to Noon. Polliwogs enjoy invitations to process art and are provided with a variety of materials and tools to be creative. Sensory play opportunities for this age abound: sweet smelling homemade playdough and new sensory bin materials are provided every week. Children participate in monthly music classes and Forest Days are held in the spring at Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park. The children are encouraged to have time for free play, using their imaginations, playing cooperatively with peers during games, dramatic play, and outside time. Polliwogs love to have books read to them throughout the day. Goals for this age group are developing skills for self care, advocating for him/herself and learning how to name their feelings and how to express them in a healthy manner. The children in Polliwogs thrive in our supportive and nurturing class environment.

Marianne Stinson
Tadpoles & Polliwogs

Marianne Stinson teaches both our Tadpoles and Polliwogs classes. She has been teaching at Northeast Cooperative Preschool and Kindergarten since the fall of 2012. Miss Marianne is a graduate from Butler University with a BS in Middle/Secondary Social Studies Education. Miss Marianne discovered cooperative preschool when her first child was in the Polliwogs class, and early childhood education and teaching in a cooperative play based environment became her purpose. She thrives learning alongside educators, partnering with parents and families, and building the foundation for children’s education.

Children adore Miss Marianne and enjoy participating in the wide variety of creative play-based learning activities she designs for them. Her classes combine play-based learning with sensory based activities to give every child an enriching experience.


Ages 4 and 5

4 years old by September 1st

Tuesday & Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 1:00pm
Optional Additional Day
Thursday 9:00am - 12:00pm

2025-2026 Tuition: $177.32 per month
2025-2026 Optional Additional Day Tuition: $68.64 per month

Class Objectives

This class provides many opportunities for children to explore and learn. Our Frogs classroom is filled with teacher designed learning stations and free-play areas designed for learning through play. Children have "forest days" weekly during the warmer months and are able to hike, creek stomp, and take classes from a naturalist. We believe outdoor learning is an essential part of child development and make every effort to get outside for every class. Our teachers and parent helpers realize and celebrate each child’s social and emotional growth through reading, learning and discussing our similarities and differences.

Andrea Bonham

Andrea Bonham teaches our Frogs class. She has been teaching at Northeast Cooperative Preschool and Kindergarten since 2017. Her goals are to work with parents to foster a love of learning within the family. She aims to meet all children where they are developmentally and help them progress from that point by providing opportunities for children to practice independence and social skills. She offers a diverse range of experiences and concepts to stimulate these naturally curious children.


Ages 5 and 6

5 years old by September 1st

Monday through Thursday 9:00am - 2:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm

2024-2025 Tuition: $348.92 per month

Class Objectives

Northeast Co-op offers a truly unique Kindergarten experience. Students go 5 days per week but on a more relaxed schedule than many other traditional school programs. Our day goes from 9-2 and includes at least one forest day (located at Fort Benjamin Harrison) and often a field trip each week.
Mrs. Roberts believes in learning through play, exploration, and following the interests of the child. By following the classes interests she is able to teach common core standards in a unique and exciting way each year.
Mrs. Roberts meets each child where they are developmentally. Nearly every day, she spends time one on one with each child, building reading and math skills. She provides not only a challenging environment, encouraging each child to work hard, but she also understands the value of unstructured free play, ensuring that the class get at least an hour every day. In addition, we offer weekly Spanish and music classes.
There are also many opportunities for families to be involved – Thanksgiving Feast, Mother’s Day lunch, Dad’s night and Graduation are all annual activities that families look forward to.

Mrs. Jerri Roberts
Mrs. Jerri Roberts has been our kindergarten teacher since 1985.  She has a B.S. in education and has completed her graduate work in Early childhood Education. All 3 of her children attended cooperative schools.
Mrs. Roberts meets each child where they are developmentally. Nearly every day, she spends time one on one with each child, building reading and math skills. She provides not only a challenging environment, encouraging each child to work hard, but she also understands the value of unstructured free play, ensuring that the class get at least an hour every day. Mrs. Roberts loves to offer her class opportunities to explore outside the classroom and generally at least 3 field trips a month are scheduled. Weekly music classes and daily outdoor play are also a part of the kindergarteners experience.  Mrs. Roberts follows the Indiana Kindergarten Common Core Standards when planning her curriculum.